Serving the Plaintiff Bar with Research, Writing, and Advocacy for All Your Litigation Needs
Battle-Tested Louisiana Supreme Court Advocates
The Law of Office of Mary Watson Smith assists lawyers and law firms on a project-by-project basis with high-stakes motion practice and appeals arising out of any area of state or federal law. Having clerked for four different judges over five years and having cultivated her litigation talents in the trenches as an Assistant District Attorney, Mary has developed a rare insight into how to communicate most effectively with a judicial audience. Over the past four years, she has assembled a matchless team of brilliant writers. Together, they have worked with some of the most prominent and effective litigators in the State. Mary has appeared as co-counsel of record in numerous successful cases before the Louisiana Supreme Court and has worked behind the scenes on several other Louisiana Supreme Court wins. She looks forward to putting her proven skills to work for you and your clients.